共為你找到:200筆taipei city taipei city 相關企業資訊
About Us More than twenty years ago, KAB started as a humble two-person family business commenced in Taipei molding plugs and connectors for local Taiwanese manufacturers. This business has today transformed into a dynamic manufacturing entity with over 800 employees across Taipei and China. Armed with this wealth of accumulated manufacturing experience, we have expanded towards a whole range of electrical and electronic products which are exported around the world. Through persistence and our loyal customer base, we continue to build on a reputation for producing quality electrical products, attention to presentation, product detail and excellence in customer service. Company Profile KAB Enterprise has two factories supplying the international market with one located in just outside Taipei, in Panchiao City whilst our main production facility is located in Dong Guan area of China. Our headquarters are located about 40 minutes from Taipei City and comprises of Sales and Marketing, Shipping, Finance as well as Research and product development division. Research Development KAB Enterprise is continually investing in research and development of new applications and innovative products for our customers and we encourage continuous communication between our customers to discuss new product lines with us.
Sunjet is one of the professional channel of semiconductor distributor in IT market especially LCD Video Display of system solution design, established in Apr.1997. The company is head quartered in San Chung City, Taipei Hsien, Taiwan, with sales operations in the Great China including Taiwan. Our business attitude is strongly Customer Orientated. Consequently, our leadership position in design provides our customers with a borad spectrum of first class solutions. We believe that without practicing responsibility and commitment towards our stock share holders, employees and environment there can be no long-term business success. With Operational Principles + Element + Discipline we served, it has been our tradition in Sunjet.
(SKF集團)總部設立於瑞典哥特堡,是軸承科技與製造的領導者。Sven Wingquist在1905年發明了雙列自動對心滾珠軸承,隨即於1907年創立Svenska Kullargerfabriken瑞典滾珠軸承製造公司,簡稱SKF,目前擁有200家分公司、80家製造廠、41,000位員工和8,000家代理商和經銷商。SKF於2007年4月併購國際直線,成為SKF旗下Actuation Motion Control的一員。Actuation Motion Control從事線性滑軌及線性傳動系統之生產。本公司擁有優秀的經營團隊,秉持著『專業團隊、創新研發、成果分享』的經營理念,除具優異的競爭力外,更追求企業永續經營及成長;除整體營運穩定外,業務成長及獲利狀況也逐年提昇,名列國內績優廠商之一。我們重視每一位同仁,除提供良好工作環境,也具備學習及成長的空間,歡迎有工作熱忱及追求自我提升/規劃與抱負的優秀朋友一起加入國際直線科技股份有限公司的工作行列一齊成長與分享。 We are leading manufacturer and supplier of self-lubricant Linear Motion and Ball Screw in Taiwan. Through the years, we have gained the reputation as one of premier manufacturer in the worldwide. Our professional products and patent designs have gained the symbol of being the creative and most professional company by the Award of Creative Innovation Prize, the Rising Star Award、National Business Start-up Award and Taiwan Symbol of Excellence Winner in 2002. With 20 years experiences in linear motion manufacturing, ABBA Linear Tech is well known by his brand name ABBA in the worldwide. We have built the global channels, including Mainland China (Shanghai Branch), Italy, Germany, England, France, USA, Korea, Canada, Australia and Brazil…etc. If you need any further information or comments, please feel free to contact us. Actuation Motion Control located at Tu-Cheng Industrial Park Sin-dian City, Taipei County. Customer service is not just words to us, but a commitment the is the foundation of our company
自2004年起推出手工創意薄片披薩,廣受大眾喜愛,在師大商圈內創造了獨一無二的特有風格。店內常像是個小型的聯合國一般,總是坐滿了外語中心的美洲、歐洲、亞洲人,不管中餐晚餐,人手一片簡單又美味的薄皮披薩,隱約透露著一股溫馨又粗獷的活力。瑪莉珍五年來不斷推出新的披薩口味,蘋果、聯合、taipei times、taipei walker、here、時報週刊、商業周刊、中國時報、中視......等傳播媒體,先後報導,頗受好評,並且持續在擴大營業,開拓地盤中。熱烈歡迎各方高手加入我們!
Citi Venture Capital main business scope of the fund equity investment fund distribution and management, equity acquisitions. In the energy and environmental protection, sports industry, financial services, transportation logistics and related industries, healthcare, retail and FMCG, real estate, construction, machinery manufacturing, new chemical materials, textile clothing, household appliances it, mineral metallurgy, agriculture and public utilities professional investment team 13 fields have long-term research, and investment tracking. Citi Venture Capital after the fund has a professional team of investment services, has a professional team, including senior financial experts Fund program designers, mergers and acquisitions investment management division, asset management planners, business management experts, legal advisers and other professional team. In order to be able to in a broader range of services to more customers. Meanwhile, Citi Venture Capital Inc. actively introduce cooperation agencies, including banks, trust companies, security companies, wealth management companies and other financial institutions, also including accounting firms, law firms, companies and other third-party asset evaluation agencies; Citi Venture Capital to encourage domestic and foreign equity investment bank added in the form of direct investment, provide vast resources and financial support to fund the equity issue, the effort to build a comprehensive asset management institutions. Citi Venture Capital Inc. convergence fund investment philosophy of Taiwan wisdom and Europe will be able to make our wealth and increase the value. Only wealth preservation and appreciation to be able to permanently benefit of mankind. Therefore, talent is our fundamental, is our core competence and core competitive advantage is the preservation and appreciation of the fundamental, but also the root of this legislation we Citi Venture Capital. Citi Venture Capital has a huge fund of experience in human resources and investment services for many years, providing customers with diversified services. To provide investors with a high quality investment information services. We have excellent management team, a sound service system. The research team from several well-known practitioners of the composition of investment institutions, has a wealth of investment experience, able to accurately grasp the current market dynamics and provide customers with the latest accurate investment goods. With a wealth of experience in domestic and foreign investment, strong market analysis capabilities, a unique operational thinking, ahead of the vision, the international advanced mode of investment goods with domestic investment goods, leaving the development of customer acceptance of the equity investment in commodities on the development path of Taiwan equity investment industry has taken an important step forward.
成立時間: 西元1999年 經營據點: 總部設於台灣台中市 經營理念: Tiger City購物中心: Tiger City購物中心規劃了近萬坪的營業空間,結合了休閒、娛樂、購物、餐飲的多元化功能,提供中部民眾有別於百貨公司的購物新體驗。有別於一般坐落於工商綜合區的大型購物中心,Tiger City即將呈現新型態的都會型購物中心,即將帶給消費者『urban life style』的新感受。在Tiger City中,除了有世界知名的華納威秀影城,同時也規劃了主題餐廳、咖啡廳、流行精品服飾、美妝保養品、生活用品、會員俱樂部、SPA休閒中心…等多元化休閒娛樂設施,來一趟即可滿足生活上各種需求。 為了提供消費者更新更國際化的視野,Tiger City特別聘請日本知名設計大師倉持光男先生,為Tiger City打造不一樣的空間規劃。水幕劇場、環式建築的餐廳、主題節慶廣場、HOOP迴旋的建築意象、愛麗絲雲梯般的立體迴廊,都是Tiger City購物中心想要呈現給大家新的空間體驗 Tiger City在規模上來說並不是以大為特色,而是著重在於精準的規劃各樓層,以達到商家及Tiger City的營業目標,進而將Tiger City變成全民的shopping center及休閒中心,並成為中部的領導地標。 Angsana City Club: Angsana City Club有志於成為台灣最傑出的綜合會館與泉療SPA。這5000平方米大的會館就座落於嶄新的Tiger City購物中心裡,提供的是完善的休閒、餐飲、私宴和會議設施,以及優越的服務。 美食 上海美食餐館,這家以別具一格的新式中華菜肴為主題的餐館,就座落於會館9樓,是會員俯視台中市壯觀美景的好去處。 西式燒烤餐館,想享用爽口的西式燒烤,就非到這位於會館8樓的餐館去走一趟。這家餐館也設有3間能容納12至50人的私人套房,可用於舉辦私人舞會、小型會議和發表會。 露天日本燒烤teppanyaki餐館,這家位於會館9樓屋頂上露天餐館,除了提供熱烘烘的日本鐵板燒美饈外,更讓您飽覽城市美景。 Saffron餐館,悅榕度假酒店標志性的Saffron餐館將帶給您泰國風情的美味菜。其泛亞洲菜色香味俱全,總是令怦然心動;從香辣可口的開胃小吃到甜美精致的主菜珍饈,餐參肴饌讓您流連忘返。 餐館就坐落在Tiger City購物中心圓形玻璃屋2樓及3樓。 會議設施,會館設有私人宴會廳以及可容納12至50人的小型會議室,供您洽商開會,招待客戶以及舉辦產品推介發表會使用。 會館隔鄰便是台灣首兩家’gold class’”金級”電影院,會員們也可利用電影院場所做發表會或私人放映會。 私人晚宴,無論您是舉辦商務會議、小型婚宴,親蜜聚會或其它私人舞會,我們都不同風格的私人宴會場所供您租用。 您也可包下屋頂天餐館的部分場地,這場地的布置背置最適合舉辦雞尾酒會。 SPA泉療設施,以整體護理的哲理企進身心健康和保養的規代化AngsanaSpa將是您呵護身心必到之處!除了男士和女士的個別泉療設施外,這松心熱點設有附寬大蒸汽浴室一個按摩浴池以及兩張按摩床的豪華護療室。 您也從我們15間護療室選擇單或雙床護療室,室內護療室或者獨特的戶外護療亭裡,享受舒緩的療程。 泉療項目細明的按摩療程、身體和臉部美療的靈感取之亞洲傳統療效養顏配方其它項目包括手腳指甲護理和頭髮護理。 Angsana Spa場所內其它的休閒設施包括: -20米 ×5米大的戶外泳池,泳旁設有寬敞的日光浴平台、戶外和室內休閒空間。 -附全套先進配備的健身室。 -韻律操、靜思和瑜伽課室。 -室內及戶外溫暖浴池。 -匯集Angsana品牌服飾和其它生活用品的時尚購物廊。 -桑那浴和蒸汽浴室。 Angsana Gallery購物廊 您一踏入Angsana Gallery購物廊裡,就一定會被它那琳琅滿目、色彩多姿的生活用品、紀念品和精致禮品深深吸引住。Angsana Spa仰慕者也肯定會為Angsana Gallery所收集的一系列泉療用品而雀躍萬分。 除了特別調製的按摩油,以花精為底的各樣香精油和其它Angsana品牌的生活用品外,您也可在Angsana Gallery購得漂亮的服飾、家居用品、時髦的首飾以及裝飾品。今天就帶會一份您在Angsana City Club的記憶,讓自己神怡瞬間。 未來願景: Angsana City Club有志於成為台灣最傑出的綜合會館與泉療SPA。這5000平方米大的會館就座落於嶄新的Tiger City購物中心裡,提供的是完善的休閒、餐飲、私宴和會議設施,以及優越的服務
服務項目:文具、禮品DIY、生活百貨、電腦週邊、手機配件等批發零售。 CiTy Mall文具百貨精品館成立於民國100年,位於新竹市東區的台灣內灣線竹科車站站前商圈,與日光公園、摩斯漢堡、星巴克為鄰,近科學園區。歡迎大家前來CtiyMall尋寶撿便宜,包裝送禮心意、豐富生活樂趣! 館內供貨充足、補貨速度快、引進最新潮流文具商品貼近民眾生活、包含各式辦公文具、辦公用品、美工用品、美術用具、DIY手工藝品材料、精美禮品、卡片、生活百貨、飾品娃娃、3C電腦週邊、手機配件、雜誌等零售服務,種類齊全款式多樣,絕對能滿足您各種生活事務的需求。店內販售知名品牌文具,像是Montblanc萬寶龍鋼筆、iPhone施華洛世奇全手工鑲鑽背殼、主題卡通iPhone背蓋…等,不只價格優惠,品質更是經過嚴選引進的喔! 歡迎您隨時上CiTyMall網站瀏覽最新的商品進貨狀況,成為掌握潮流的文具代言人!
COOL CUT hairdressing 低調奢華,融合摩登時尚感,COOL CUT 想給您有不一樣的時尚觀感 很多顧客在髮型上都會有期望與希望,COOL CUT不只重於專精的剪髮設計與美感設計 而是更重視”聆聽與”溝通” 聆聽顧客髮型上的困擾與需求 溝通解說適合顧客的個人風格特色 提供全方位的造型解析 進而讓顧客能更放心的將髮型上的所有問題都交給我們 Address 地址: NO.183. Siwei Rd.Da-an District. Taipei City Opening Time 營業時間:11:30am~8:30pm 臺北市大安區四維路183號1F
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